Sunday, February 17, 2013

We smell like macaroons.

What's new in the Hyslip home? COCONUT OIL! To be exact- organic, cold pressed, extra virgin coconut oil. Now that I am 34 years old, I have been noticing that my skin has been loosing elasticity, and I am observing fine (and not so fine) lines on my face. Please don't laugh! I know you want to. However I am really serious. I look back at pictures from five or ten years ago and see a huge difference in my skin. :( I don't want to get old, but I can't stop that.  But I can slow down the aging process! :)

So, this new observation sent me on a quest to find the best anti-aging, moisturizing, wrinkle reducing, and natural product. I have been using almond oil for the last few years and found that it was good, but I wanted something GREAT!  First, I purchased a small amount from a local Asian grocery store and was very pleased with the results I have seen over the last few weeks. Then, when I was shopping at Costco, I came across the mother-load of coconut oil. I purchased it for just under $20, and began researching all of the benefits it offers. It is anti-microbial, anti-fungal, anti-viral and anti-bacterial! Below is a list of some of the things I have found it can be used for. I have tried all of  of them now and have enjoyed every experience. :)

Today will begin my fourth week using coconut oil topically for skin care and I must say, I can really notice a difference! My skin feels more supple and soft, and some of my fine lines aren't as noticeable (at least to me.)  My children are also using it topically and have just started ingesting it and love it! Today also began my first day ingesting it regularly as part of a 40 day experiment. I'm also going to use it for oil pulling in the morning for the next 40 days, and will also be ingesting it to help with my metabolism and weight loss. I'll let you know how that goes. :)

So, I hope you take the plunge to experiment with Organic, Extra Virgin Coconut Oil world! I have had so much fun with it and I think you may too.  For more info on it, just google it. You'll be amazed at how many ways we can use this amazing gift the LORD created for us, and how good it is for our bodies. The best part is, you go to bed smelling like a macaroon! :)

Here is a list of some of the uses:
Oil Pulling
Face wash (yes, I said wash!)
Acne treatment
Age reducing facial care
Stretch mark remover
Leave in conditioner
Lip Gloss/ Chapstick

Ingested, it's good for:
The heart
The liver
Speeding up your metabolism
Weight loss
Breast milk production (if you are nursing)
Blood sugar regulation
Fight heart disease