Tuesday, July 30, 2013

My Cup Runneth Over- 40 Days of Feasting at the LORD's table

My dear Mishpacha,

It is with great delight and expectation that Candyce and I write to you today. As I mentioned this past Shabbat, we are about to encounter the 40 Days of T’shuvah, or the 40 Days of Repentance leading up to Yom Kippur. It begins next Monday evening, August 5, at sunset. In years past we have welcomed these 40 days as a time of returning, and have truly sought to return to the LORD with all of our heart. We have participated in Daniel Fasts, Raw Foods Fasts, and even some have felt the LORD leading them to do a 40 day fast, drinking only water and juices.

The word t’shuvah, repentance, means to stop in the direction you are going and to walk the other way. Previously, many of you have fasted for breakthrough in your life, and have found tremendous healing. This year our focus is going to be on feasting, not fasting. On August 10, I am going to begin a new message series and initiative that will carry us from the beginning of Elul through Yom Kippur and beyond. This series is called, My Cup Runneth Over, 40 Days of feasting at the LORD’s table.

We are utilizing these 40 days leading up to Yom Kippur to help retrain our senses,  to say NO to the things that are hindering us from fulfilling our destiny in Messiah, and to engage with full abandon in the Presence of the LORD, in building a legacy of faith within our families, and nurturing the God ordained relationships we have within the CBH community.

Sometimes it’s easier to fill our mind with knowledge about God, than to sit at His feet and let Him fill our heart with His presence. When we abide, He gives us something so much greater than mere knowledge, He gives us a revelation that transforms us- heart and soul. Likewise, it is often easier to busy ourselves with the demands of life, which leave us emotionally and relationally empty.  We miss out on the richness of covenant relationships, whether that be with your spouse, your family, or with dear friends.

The 40 Days of Feasting at the LORD’s table is not a new spiritual fad that we are only doing for 40 days. Rather, we are utilizing it as a tool to re-align our appetites for the things that really satisfy. When we nourish our spirit, soul and body at it’s roots, surrendering to Yeshua’s best for us, we grow in extraordinary health, and bear good fruit- fruit that will last.

You may have to disconnect from some habits so you can be free to pursue a new depth of love with the LORD and your family. That’s okay. It’s time to say, “YES” to Yeshua’s best for us, and, “NO” to the energy, time and relationship thieves.

Here is a great video that exemplifies the kind of “teshuvah” that we are welcoming.

Rabbi Tim and Candyce