Sunday, October 21, 2012

No Spend Month

Sooo, we're going to do it. We're going to have a no spend month. What's a "no spend month?" Well, it's where you tighten your belt to your budget, make sure that every dollar has a name, and that ANY extra, any "fat" as we call it in our family simply isn't spent.

Yep, that's right. Eating out? Nope. Not on a no spend month.
Shopping on Craigslist or Macy's clearance. Nope. Not on a no spend month.
How about that wonderful laundry detergent and fabric softener? What if I run out of that? Well, on this no spend month, I will be making any thing I run out of.

I was first inspired to do a no spend month about a year ago when I read this blog. I had entertained the idea, but frankly it kind of scared me. I mean, things are tight as they are, but to cut out ALL the fat together was just scary.

Alas, we have settled ourselves and are about to embark on this journey. Truth be told, I am excited. I mean, really, how much time is this going to free up? Not to mention time, but intentionality in menu planning, cooking, and even in clothing.

I am anticipating that I will come out of this with an even greater level of gratitude than I have ever had, which is perfect, because we will end it right before Thanksgiving. :)

I made a list of menu items that I could include in my menus for lunches and dinners that are still healthy, delicious and resourceful. I'll put up another post with that list in case anyone is interested.

I am so grateful that even when things are super tight, God still provides for all of our needs and we never, never lack anything. We have never gone hungry and have never lacked clothes to cover our backs.

The one luxurious plus to this no spend month is the fact that I have frozen Alaskan fish in my freezer from my brother in law, along with a variety of frozen meats. It will be used sparingly and with great appreciation. :)

As far as food goes, I am cutting our food budget by 2/3 and will be visiting Costco Business Center as well as Restaurant Depot. There I will stock up on the basics, and leave $20 a week for produce. I can get to 60 lb/ $10 packages of produce from "market on the go," or from Pros Ranch Market. I am anticipating that we will have more than enough, and that our hearts will overflow even more with joy.

Here's to a no spend month... We begin tomorrow.

Do you want to join me? If so, comment to let me know.